Sunday, June 5, 2016

What is The 21 Day Fix?

The first time I heard about The 21 Day Fix I was skeptical.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all on board for fitness {especially in less than 30 minutes a day} but I am NOT on board with dieting.  It's never worked for me.  Whenever I'd tried diets in the past I would always lose weight, only to put it back on when I stopped the diet.  How was this any different?

But despite my hesitations, I kept seeing friends going through the program and seeing amazing results and I...well I was stuck on a plateau.  I was eating clean and working out regularly, but I wasn't losing those last few pounds I wanted to lose and my muscle definition wasn't where I wanted it to be.  So I decided to give it a shot.

What I found: The 21 Day Fix was the missing piece of my fitness and nutrition!!  It's NOT a diet.  I began to see results, my body changed and I was officially part of the hundreds of Fix graduates on my team proving that IT WORKS!  And the best part...the results STUCK even after I was finished with the program.

It was the LIFESTYLE CHANGE I needed!

The Fix pairs 30 minute/day workouts with the nutrition your body needs.  The portion control containers, paired with a specific food list categorized by the best, most nutrient dense foods at the top and the lowest nutritional value foods at the bottom, helped me to see where I personally was struggling and how I could change that.  For example, I was practically living on yellows {aka carbs!}  Sure, I was eating clean, but it doesn't matter how clean you eat if you're not getting the right portions of the right foods in each day!

A simple calculation provided in the Nutritional Guide helped me to figure out just how many of each container I should eat.  The point of The Fix is to make things SIMPLE, and that is exactly what this meal plan is…EASY!!

Red = protein
Green = veggies
Purple = fruit
Yellow = carbs
Blue = healthy fats {think avocado and cheeses}
Orange = seeds/dressings

Depending on your calorie bracket, you’d get a certain amount of each container per day.  It may not look like a lot, but I promise it’s WAY more than enough!  I often have trouble eating ALL my portions!!

I'm not gonna lie, one of my main hesitations about the program was meal planning.  It seemed like A LOT of work and was a bit intimidating to me.  Sitting down the first week and planning my week ahead...breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner...I was overwhelmed.  Here's the thing...PLANNING IS KEY!  You have to plan ahead whether you do The Fix or not in order to hit your goals and stay healthy.  And after week 1, I had my meal plan down and now I provide meal plans for my Fixers to make life even easier!  And, bonus, there's an app that can help you to track what you've ate for the day too!

I was afraid I'd be starving on the Fix too...and like I said above, I definitely wasn't.  I was eating plenty of food, more than I was eating before, and even with the increased intake in food I was LOSING weight and inches!!  All because I was finally eating the right things!  I was finding creative ways to add veggies to my diet {my biggest struggle} and I was finding alternatives for the carbs I used to eat at every meal...and because of all these changes I had WAY more energy and felt great!

Of course it's not ALL about nutrition.  80% of your health happens in the kitchen, but it's that other 20% that will get you the toned, bikini-body you want!  The 21 Day Fix workouts are a great mix of upper body, lower body, cardio and active recovery days like yoga that keep it fun throughout the week.  It is a program I constantly go back to because IT WORKS, the workouts are SHORT {only 30 minutes} and I love that I never get bored!  There are modifiers you can follow until you work up to the full moves, you can use weights or not depending on your fitness level, and as you get better you can up your weights to increase your results!

Who is this program for?

I truly believe this program is for anyone.  I've helped people with this program from their early 20's to their late 60's and it's been great for them all!  The nutrition side of the program is spot on regardless of age/sex/weight and can even be adapted to fit women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.  The workouts can be modified for any fitness level as whether you're just starting your journey or you're looking for a way to ramp up your results this is the program for you!

So what are the details?
  • The program is 21 days long
  • You do one 30 minute workout a day
  • You don't need a lot of space to do the workouts
  • You will need a resistance band or a set of light weights as you progress
The workouts include:
Total Body Cardio Fix, Upper Fix, Lower Fix, Pilates Fix, Cardio Fix, Dirty 30, Yoga Fix and a bonus 10 Minute Fix for Abs that you can add in each day if you'd like.

What's included in The 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack?

For the month of June, The 21 Day Fix is on sale for just $140!  That includes:
  • The entire workout program on DVD
  • A bonus workout DVD
  • Color coded portion control containers
  • The Nutritional Guide that will tell you what's best to put in those containers
  • A 30 day supply of Shakeology that will replace one meal a day and count as 1 red protein container
  • A Shakeology Shaker cup
  • The 30 Day Accountability Group where I'll help you prep for the program and rock through the 21 days to the results you want
  • The daily support of ME as your coach
The 21 Day Fix takes dedication and the decision to make a change.  I can say from personal experience that if you commit to it for those 21 days, you WILL see the results you want.  And the best part is, you'll learn to treat your body the way it deserves to be treated during the program and beyond.  It really is the LIFESTYLE CHANGE you need to be your best you...always.

Are you ready to join me and Autumn Calabrese for the most rewarding 21 days of your life?  Are you ready to take your health seriously, make the changes you need to make and have the health both inside and out that you deserve?  If you'd like to get in on my next group, email me at to reserve your spot or fill out the application below.  I look forward to sharing this program with you!

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