Sunday, February 28, 2016

Are you ready for 22 Minute Hard Corps?

Beachbody has done it again, and I am SO excited!  This program is right up my alley as a former military spouse, and my hubby and I can't wait to break out our old PT gear and get at it!  After doing programs like P90X3, T25 and 21 Day Fix...anything beyond 30 minutes seems like a LONG workout to me!  I mean, I'm a busy mom!  I've got to get up, workout and get ready before my son is awake and that means I need something quick and effective!  Now they're taking it down to just 22 minutes...yep, you heard me right!  In just 22 minutes a day you can get killer results and feel happy and healthy with Tony Horton's NEW program and ME as your coach!

Is 22 minutes a day REALLY enough time!?!

Yes MA'AM {or SIR}!!!  I know you may be a little skeptical, and I was too when I first heard it, but after doing a few of the workouts myself...and even one of the workouts LIVE with Tony!!...I'm officially convinced!  These bootcamp inspired, easy to follow workouts, which Tony came up with after spending time training with REAL servicemen and women, combine cardio and resistance training to have you toning up and losing fat fast!  You'll be pushing yourself to the MAX, but it's only 22 minutes and with the accountability of ME as your coach and a group of people doing this along side you, we can all get "bootcamp fit" together!

During this 8 week program you'll get all the tools you need to be successful in your workouts AND in your kitchen!  With a modifier to follow until you learn the moves and workup to the speed of the "platoon" and color coded portion control containers and meal guide {all you 21 Day Fixers are gonna LOVE this!}, you'll be able to get the results you want QUICK!

Check out these killer results that Kellie Gimenez, a coach on my team who was lucky enough to be part of the test group for this program, got in just SIX weeks!  That's right...she still has 2 more weeks to go and this busy mom of 2 is already seeing amazing results with this program!

Who is this program for?

ANYONE!  You don't have to be "bootcamp fit" to start.  That's the point of the get you there!  
  • If you don't have a lot of time to hit the gym
  • If you're a military vet, a military spouse or even active duty
  • If you want a program that you and your spouse can both enjoy
  • If you don't want to learn a bunch of complex moves
  • If you want results FAST
So yeah...pretty much anyone!  And NO excuses!  Trust me, I've had them all!  I was overweight when my husband and I moved to Spain for his last 4 years in the Marine Corps, and through A LOT of hard work at the gym I was able to drop 30 pounds.  Now, I am a busy mom of a crazy toddler I call my tornado, I don't have a lot of time to fit a workout in or get to the gym like I did to lose those first 30 pounds...and I lost the 30 pounds {AGAIN!} of baby weight I gained.  I made my health a priority because I wanted to change...TWICE!  And lucky for you, YOU CAN DO IT all from your home in only 22 minutes a day!

What equipment do you need?

Dumbbells and a pull up bar (or resistance bands with a door attachment).  With the Deluxe kit you can even get a Beachbody PT Sandbag to use instead of dumbbells!  The harder you work the faster you'll see results!

Me after my LIVE workout with Tony...phew!
What will you get with the program?

  • 8 challenging workouts in 2 DVD's
  • Quick Start Mission Guide
  • 8-week Basic Training Action Plan
  • Rations for Results Nutrition Field Guide
  • Cold Start pre-workout drill
  • Hell Week Challenge Card
  • HARD CORPS: Battle Buddy Workout DVD (Network Exclusive)
And with the deluxe kit you'll get everything above AND
  • Variable resistance band
  • Beachbody PT Sandbag
  • 3 advanced 22 Minute workouts
  • 7 color-coded portion control containers
  • Shakeology shaker cup
Are YOU up for the challenge?

This program is being released March 1st, and on MARCH 14TH we'll be kicking off an 8 WEEK 22 Minute Hard Corps Accountability Group!  We'll start a few days early to goal set, take measurements, get familiar with the nutrition guide and meal prep...then on the 14th we'll go through the entire program TOGETHER!  

What you'll get from the group:
  • DAILY support, motivation and accountability
  • One-on-one guidance from ME as your coach
  • Weekly meal plans to make it even more simple to get the results you want
  • Daily tips and tricks to help make this a lifestyle change that will continue working beyond the 8 week group!
Each participant is required to purchase the 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge Pack/Program and commit to replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the group.

AND...BONUS!  Just announced...for every 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge Pack sold throughout March, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Mission Continues.  This program is near and dear to my heart because my husband Jeff had such a hard time transitioning to civilian life.  This helps veterans with exactly that, and gives them a way to continue having a positive impact on their communities.  LOVE!

If you are interested in getting more information about the program please complete the form below and I will contact you within 24 hours with details.

And while you wait to hear back from me, hop over to Facebook HERE and send me over a friend request so I'll be able to add you to the group!  

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