Sunday, June 25, 2017

SHIFT SHOP is coming!!!

Have you heard?  Beachbody is launching a BRAND NEW program: SHIFT SHOP in just a few short weeks!

There have been A LOT of programs that I've loved, but there is one simple reason that I'm more excited about this program than I have been about anything else in a long time.

It's not just about's about shifting your MINDSET!

In the 3+ years I've been doing these programs and running accountability groups, there is ONE THING I have found to be true:

If you want results, you have to be in the right MINDSET to get them!

It's not just about fitness, nutrition and's about believing in yourself, having a positive mindset and growing from the inside so you can see the results you want on the outside.

Super trainer Chris Downing, creator of Shift Shop, focuses on THAT first and foremost!


Shift Shop is a breakthrough rapid-rebuild program that helps anyone, regardless of age or fitness level, get LEANER, FASTER, STRONGER—and lose up to 10 pounds—in only 3 weeks. The SHIFT SHOP comes with 6 cardio and strength workouts, 2 bonus workouts, a nutrition plan that ramps up on protein and veggies while reducing starchy carbs, and world-class training tools.

Do you ever have a hard time sticking to a workout program because it's so long and you start to lose your excitement or get bored?  You will stay committed to Shift Shop because it’s only 3 weeks!!  There isn't time to get bored!  Especially with different workouts each week! 

Do you ever feel intimidated by the at home workouts and all the super fit, super hardcore people in the videos?  You won’t feel intimidated, because Chris slowly ramps you up, and there’s an incredible modifier to follow. 

And because you’re shifting your mindset as well as your body, you’ll be able to build on these achievements for the rest of your life. 

What can I expect from the program?

The SHIFT SHOP uses a “ramp-up” method that starts you off slow—then gradually increases the intensity week by week—all while refining your nutrition. 

In Week 1, you start with 25-minute cardio and strength workouts you can really do, and a nutrition plan you can stick with. 

Starting in Week 2, you’re pushing a little harder, for 35 minutes, and consuming more protein to fuel the burn. But it’s nothing you can’t handle!

Then in Week 3, your shift has kicked into high gear, with intense 45-minute workouts and clean eating. 

Slow and steady, you'll be making those baby steps towards life changing results!

Who is SHIFT SHOP for?

Beginners:  SHIFT SHOP is your perfect on-ramp to fitness. Chris starts you off with moves you can easily learn and a meal plan you can stick with (plus, there’s an incredible modifier you can follow). Just as your body is adapting to the workouts and cleaner eating, he turns everything up a notch—motivating and encouraging you every step of the way as you get stronger and more confident!

People who have done programs before but are nervous to try the more intense programs like Insanity Max: 30 or P90X:  Looking for the perfect bridge between where you are now and the high-intensity programs you’d like to try? SHIFT SHOP starts you off with 25-minute cardio and strength workouts that you can really do, and a nutrition plan you can stick with. By the end of your 3 weeks, you’re doing 45-minute workouts and eating clean, and ready to take your fitness to that next level!

Athletes and people who play/have played sports:  Chris Downing has trained everyone from pro and amateur athletes, including overweight football players, helping them to (1) achieve their overall fitness and nutrition goals, and (2) perform at a higher level. Using the Beachbody Agility Markers as targets and boundaries, Chris runs users through sports-inspired drills that keep the workouts fun and engaging.

People who want QUICK results:  There’s a good reason why SHIFT SHOP is called the 3-Week Rapid Rebuild program. It’s been carefully engineered to prepare your body for a shift in Week 1; accelerate your shift in Week 2; then, kick your shift into high gear in Week 3.

I had the privilege of being one of the first people to try this program out for myself, and I LOVED it!  Even being pregnant I could do the moves (some modified) and I'm excited to do the program after I have the baby to drop that baby weight fast too!!

You'll need these handy agility markers (or you can just use paper plates...but be careful about slipping!) and a set of light/medium weights to complete the program...otherwise all you need is YOU and your commitment to taking these 3 weeks to better yourself in side and out!

How do I get started?

Lucky you!!  I'll be hosting a Shift Shop TEST GROUP kicking off on July 10th!  We'll be taking that week to prep (perfect timing after the 4th of July holiday to get back on track!)  We'll focus on the nutrition, mindset and tips and tricks I've found that help me get through a program start to finish!!

Then on July 17th, the day the program is released, we'll kick off together and rock through the 3 week program!!!

The best part...this will all be available to you through Beachbody the earlier you get set up the more time you'll have to check out some of the other programs we have to offer, get started in my ongoing group and be even better prepared to make the most of SHIFT SHOP!!

Ready to go?

Fill out the form HERE to reserve your spot in the SHIFT SHOP test group and I'll reach out to you ASAP, or you can find me on Facebook at and send me over a message and we'll talk more to make sure this is the best fit for your goals, schedule and needs!

I can't wait to hear from you!


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