About Me

My fitness journey has been a long one!  I was never a very athletic person and after high school I gained a lot of weight. I wasn't eating right, wasn't exercising at all and let myself use excuses instead of taking charge of my health. I went from 125 pounds to yo-yoing between 145-160 pounds in a matter of a couple years.

In 2008 I married the love of my life and my passion for fitness began!  He was in the Marine Corps and we were stationed in Rota, Spain. Being f ar away from friends and family was difficult for me, and I felt very lonely and depressed.  I decided I needed to do something with my time, so I got a personal trainer and decided to finally get my health on track!  I went from 156 pounds to 128 pounds in the three years we were in Spain by going to the gym regularly, running and eating well.

Fast forward to January 2014 when I had my son.  I maintained a very healthy pregnancy and was working out up until I had him (at just under 41 weeks).  I gained a bit more weight than I would have liked in the last month as I had my son in January and I let me being pregnant be an excuse to overindulge on all the Christmas treats, but overall I felt really great with how well I'd done.  I thought the baby weight would just melt off, but after having an emergency c-section and then being back in the hospital with severe mastitis just before he was 2 weeks old, I realized getting my body back was going to be a lot more work than I had anticipated.  I struggled with post-partum depression and just didn't feel like myself anymore, and wasn't sure how to pull myself out of the rut and find "me" again.

Timing was perfect, because that's when an old friend from high school reached out to me on Facebook about T25 and her challenge groups and I decided to give it a shot.  25 minutes a day AND something I could do from home, I could do that!  Determined to get healthy again and figure out a way to make my fitness goals a reality, I jumped in and loved it! I even got my husband tod o it with me! We added Shakeology into our daily routines too and it pushed me to a whole new level! It has given me more energy and is my favorite and healthiest meal of the day! I'm now toned, healthy and in the best shape of my life...and all AFTER having a c-section! I'm so excited to share my continuous journey of being healthy and fit with everyone because this is my lifestyle...and it really works!!!

Why did I become a coach?

After being in a challenge group for 5 months I decided I wanted to coach.  Just like my fitness, I dove into coaching head first and knew I had to make this work.  Despite what I had originally planned, I decided I wanted to stay home with my son and we honestly couldn't afford for me to do that.  We were broke as a joke and between my c-section bills, the monthly cost of the special formula my son needed and life in general we were borrowing money from my parents every month just to make ends meet.  I charged my challenge pack to sign up as a coach on a credit card and knew that I HAD to cover my own costs or I'd have to quit...and quitting wasn't an option!  Through hard work, consistency and an amazingly supportive team I have been able to not only cover my costs from day one, but my husband's as well (since he wanted to drink Shakeology too of course!) and am now making more than I did when I worked in an office part time before having my son.  I am passionate about paying it forward and helping people not only with their fitness and nutrition, but financially as well.  I have seen firsthand how these programs and coaching can change lives, it has changed mine and my family's more than I ever expected.  I am able to have a career in fitness, and all while staying home with my son, making up my own schedule and genuinely helping people!  It is the best decision I've ever made and is the MOST rewarding job ever!

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