Sunday, March 20, 2016

From Broke to #BOSSBABE: Ready to change your life?

When I decided, just over a year and a half ago to jump in as a Beachbody coach, I was skeptical. We were living paycheck to paycheck and when the medical bills started rolling in from my emergency c-section and following hospital stay for mastitis I realized that even those paychecks weren't going to cut it. Already drowning in credit card debt, we turned to my parents who luckily enough loaned us money. But that didn't stop the worry. I was going to have to go back to work, and putting it off for as long as I could I finally realized, crushingly, that the time had come.

You see, I had gotten my degree the month before having my son with every intention of going back to work. Me? A stay at home mom? No thanks! But after having Ryan, as many of you mamas know, my attitude changed and the idea of leaving him and missing his firsts {or really ANY part of his life} sounded awful to me.

That's when MY coach asked me if I'd ever considered coaching.  I'd been in her groups for months, I LOVED the programs and the community {and the RESULTS!!} but I was also skeptical of Shakeology and WAY too introverted to start my own business...or so I thought.

A few things running through my head that may sound familiar to you:

* I barely have any friends on Facebook...let alone people who are interested in getting healthy.
* I have ZERO business experience.
* I'm not at my goal weight.
* Who would want ME as their coach?
* I can't even pay my bills, I certainly shouldn't be buying a new workout program or a shake that will come out of our account monthly
* I'm so busy already trying to juggle mom life...I don't have time to add this to my plate
* What if I FAIL?

BUT...after taking a lot of time to think it over...I decided WHY NOT?  Why NOT me?  If all these other women were able to do it, different ages, weights, stories...why shouldn't I give it a shot?  WORST case scenario I would give it three months, get healthier, fail at the business side of things and have to get a 9-5 job.  But BEST case scenario...well...I could pay off debt, I could supplement our income enough that we wouldn't have to worry, I could get healthy while helping others the way my coach helped me, I could stay accountable to my own goals, I could be HOME with my son, I could bring my husband home, I could live my life by design...I COULD be GREAT at this!

I realized all the things I THOUGHT a coach was were a complete misconception and that a coach was just a person, like ME, who was passionate about being healthy and sharing that with others.

So I jumped.  

And am SO glad I did!  Over the course of this last year and a half I have been able to do SO much.

* Pay off debt
* Be home and present with my son every day
* Create my own schedule
* NOT check my bank account before every shopping trip
* Travel
* Help SO many people while getting in the best shape of my life
* Make MORE than I was making working outside the home
* Have a community of like-minded women who I LOVE and who lift me higher each and every day

This opportunity, the one I ALMOST let my FEARS deter me from, has CHANGED MY LIFE.  My health, my family's health, our finances...I am a better woman, wife and mom because of coaching and am stronger, more confident and happier than ever!

This little team I built from the ground up, my fit-fam Team Goal Crushers, has grown into a movement of over 250 people dedicated to helping others live their best lives.  Genuinely wanting to see others succeed in their fitness, nutrition, financial and personal goals.  After just a year and a half, we have gone from nothing to being in the top 500 in the company...out of over 400,000 coaches!!!

To say I am humbled is an understatement!  

Now, I'm extending an invitation to YOU.  I am looking for motivated, driven, fit-minded, positive GO GETTERS to add to our team.  I have a simple, step-by-step HERE IS WHAT YOU DO training, and I want to share it with you.  Like ME, I want YOU to cover your costs from day one and I want you to see the same success I did FASTER than I did.  Being a coach has become my PASSION, sharing the opportunity has become my PURPOSE and watching my challengers and coaches reach their goals has become one of the most REWARDING things I have ever done...and I'm not gonna stop!

Don't let your fears get in the way!  Take a leap of faith and see what YOU are made of, and I promise to have your back every step of the way!

HOW do YOU get started?

You've got a couple options!!

1 - Join my 1-DAY Sneak Peek into Coaching event that kicks off on Monday, March 21st by clicking HERE.  In this group, you'll get a glimpse into what I do as a coach, what our team has to offer and if this opportunity is right for YOU!  {Make sure we're friends on Facebook first too by sending me a request HERE}

2 - Join my LIVE Q&A at 6 PM PST, March 21st to learn more and ask me your questions LIVE!  Click this link to join the chat - - - >

3 - Fill out the application below and I'll get back to you with all the info you need!

NOW is the time to take this leap!  You have nothing to lose, and SO much to gain and I look forward to talking with you more about what coaching could do for you!