Friday, April 29, 2016

Black Bean & Veggie Salad with Avocado

Oh my gosh...I found an absolutely amazing recipe HERE and with a little tweaking I am in LOVE, so I had to share!  I am always looking for ways to incorporate veggies into my diet because, let's be honest, veggies are NOT my thing.  This was delicious, healthy, easy and perfect to pair with the grilled tilapia we had for dinner.  It would be awesome with just about anything though; chicken, steak, fish, some whole wheat chips or just alone!


  • 1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 ear of fresh cooked corn, kernels cut off the cob
  • 1 red bell pepper, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 TBSP minced shallots
  • 1 tsp salt {or a dash of Himalayan salt}
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 TBSP sugar {or substitute some organic Blue Agave into the dressing}
  • 3 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp lime zest
  • 3 TBSP lime juice
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
  • 1 avocado


Combine the black beans, corn, red bell pepper, garlic, cilantro and shallots in a bowl.

Mix well.  In a small bowl combine the spices and zest, and in a separate bowl combine the lime juice, EVOO {and Agave if you are substituting for sugar}.

Mix the dry spices into the black bean mixture and the add the dressing and toss.  Cover with saran wrap and refrigerate at least 2 hours.  {This is a great time to prep whatever you're eating this with!}  You can even refrigerate overnight...the leftovers were AMAZING for lunch!

When ready to eat, cut up the avocado into small chunks and lightly mix in to the salad and serve at room temp!

This recipe served 4...dinner for my hubby and I and a great lunch the next day!  This may be our new BBQ staple to bring to parties too!!  Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Fruit Smoothie Shakeology

I LOVE smoothies!  It was the only way I ever got fruit and veggies into my diet when I was pregnant, and it is the perfect way to cool down on a hot Spring day here in Arizona!  This is my fave recipe, and my go-to just about every day for lunch.

Not only is it refreshing and delicious, this is a super-food packed shake!  It has all the vitamins and nutrients I need, it is actually filling {yay for not being starving an hour later} and it keeps those cravings for salty snacks and cheese away! of all, it gives me that mid-day boost of energy I need to keep up with my kiddo in a 100%, all natural way!

How to make it:

* 1 scoop Strawberry Shakeology

{or try Vegan Tropical Strawberry!}

* 1 cup all natural orange juice

* 1 cup frozen pineapple

* 1 green container spinach

Blend it up and enjoy!  :)

Want to try it out yourself?  Click HERE to email me and I'll get you all set up to enjoy this recipe and many more!!

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Remember back to when you were in school...

People would ask what you wanted to do with your life, what your DREAM JOB was...what was your answer?

I never knew.  I didn't grow up wanting to be a doctor or teacher, what I wanted was simple and I couldn't think of any job that would allow me to check off everything on my list.

* Work from home
* Create my own schedule
* Travel
* Earn enough to have financial freedom
* Take pictures of my life

As time went on, and I still couldn't think of the right fit, I went to college for Business Management.  Not because I was passionate about a career in business, but because I figured that no matter where life took me I could find a job.  I could be completely non-committal and hope that someday I would find my dream job and do that instead.

I spent $40k + in student loans, more time that I would like to admit in classes I hated, and I got the coveted piece of paper that every adult in my life had told me I needed to get in order to be degree.  

Don't get me wrong...I was proud of my accomplishment. I worked hard for my degree. And when I got home from the hospital after having my son, that piece of paper in the mail made me feel amazing. But my life had changed over night, I was a MOM, and I did NOT want a 9-5 job in business management anymore.

I knew something had to change, but I still didn't know what I could do that would provide financially for my family {something we desperately needed} and leave me feeling happy and fulfilled at the same time.

Shortly after having my son I started working out from home.  I had dropped 30 pounds pre-Beachbody but let's be honest...I lacked the time, motivation and energy to hit the gym for 60+ minutes a day to get my pre-baby bod back.  To my surprise, I started dropping the baby weight in less than 30 minutes a day and a light bulb went off.  


I was checking in to my challenge group daily, getting the support, inspiration and accountability I needed and it was WORKING!  I saw a light at the end of the tunnel, and I realized if I could help someone the way my coach had helped me I had to do it!

I dove in!  In addition to checking off EVERYTHING on my dream job description, I was also able to check off a few extras that had become important to me:

* Workout daily and get healthy

* HELP others to do the same
* Be a role model for my son and keep our family healthy
* Be surrounded by amazing women who EMPOWER and support one another
* Have the ability to CHOOSE my own goals - big or small - and set my work hours accordingly


I was not at my goal weight yet, I didn't have a degree in nutrition, I wasn't a fitness expert and I had ZERO background that would suggest I could help people {most days I struggled to help myself!}  But I realized something...being a coach is about sharing my PASSION...and being healthy had become my passion!

Whether you go to a restaurant, see a great sale at your favorite store, or try an amazing recipe...we all share things we're passionate about.  That's exactly what I did! 

As skeptical as I was in the beginning, I have earned more than my full time income working outside the home all by helping people see the light at the end of their tunnels, taking sweaty selfies, sharing my ups and downs along the way and inviting others to do this WITH me!

Now, having both a physical and financial transformation, I've realized a new passion.  Helping others to have financial freedom and live their life by design, whatever that design may look like.  Which is why I've set up systems and trainings to show you how to see the success I have seen even faster than I did, and why I am opening up my team for 10 new women to mentor in May!

Does this describe you?

* Hardworking
* Passionate about fitness and nutrition
* A heart for helping people
* A dreamer
* Self-motivated and driven
* Open-minded
* A learner
* A goal crushing GO GETTER!

* Does this quote kinda give you goosebumps and make you think...YES!!!

Then this may be exactly what you've been looking for and I want to talk to you!

So now what?

1 - Join my FREE, 1-Day Sneak Peek into Coaching group on Facebook on Monday, April 17th where you can learn more about the opportunity.  Send me a friend request HERE and I can add you to it!

2 - Fill out the application below and I'll get in touch with you to chat more and see if this is the right fit for you!

Looking forward to talking with you more and helping you however I can...because that's truly what it's ALL about!

Sugar-Free Caramelized Apples

I am by no means a cook. I don't generally enjoy being in the kitchen, and I'm lucky enough that my husband loves cooking, baking and bbq-ing so I don't have to!  With that being said, you can bet that when I do try my hand at something, it's EASY!!  And that is exactly what this recipe is!

Kodiak cakes are a staple in our weekend breakfast routine.  They are packed full of protein and 100% whole grains, and when I look at the ingredients list I can actually pronounce it all {always a good sign!}  After having pancakes over and over every week though, I need to switch it up!!  We had a TON of apples left over, so I decided to try my hand at a healthier version of caramelized apples and this turned out AMAZING!  

Quick, simple, healthy and my breakfast literally tasted like apple pie!  I've even done this same recipe and mixed it in with oatmeal...yum!


- 1 apple per person {I used Granny Smith}

- coconut oil

- cinnamon

- pumpkin pie spice

OR, if you don't have pumpkin pie spice

- ground ginger

- nutmeg

- all spice

- ground cloves


- Peel and cut apples, cubed or slices.
- Heat skillet on medium-high heat.  Add apples and top with coconut oil and let sit a few minutes until the apples are crispy and brown on the bottom.
- Flip apples and let get crispy and brown on the other side, a few minutes.
- Turn heat to medium-low and let apples caramelize.
- Add spices {to taste...I like more cinnamon!} and flip around to cover.  Cook both sides for a few more minutes.


Sunday, April 10, 2016

25 Minutes + Simple Nutrition + Daily Support = RESULTS!

My life CHANGED in just 25 minutes a day.

Sound crazy?  Sound a little cheesey?  I would have thought so too until it happened, but it did!  After I had my son I had ZERO time to go to the gym anymore, and to be honest...ZERO motivation!  I was tired, self conscious, a little depressed and did I mention tired?  At 4 months postpartum I was going to be standing next to my best friend as her Matron of Honor and I didn't want what was looking back at me in the mirror to be in those pictures forever.  I wanted my body back!  I just didn't see a way to make that happen.  That's when my friend and coach reached out to me about this program I could do from home in just 25 minutes a day; Focus T25.  

I was skeptical to say the least, but I figured it was worth giving it a a shot...what did I have to lose?!  Apparently ALL the baby weight and then some!!!  And what did I gain?  CONFIDENCE!  I felt great!  After 2 rounds of the program, fitting in these quick workouts during nap time, I was feeling better than I did before having my son, and ready to stand up in my friends wedding and take that California beach vacation we had planned that summer!

But something was missing...
I had lost the weight, but I had also plateaued and I wanted to get even more toned!  That's where Shakeology and portion control stepped in!  I began replacing one meal a day with this yummy, 100% natural, nutrient dense shake and dialing in my nutrition with the 21 Day Fix portion control containers.  I was able to drop another 5 pounds and almost 15 inches!!!  I wasn't hungry, I didn't feel deprived, I was just eating to fuel my body {and enjoy the foods I loved} at the right times and in the correct amounts!  I was BLOWN AWAY!  I had a baby, I had a c-section, I had diastasis recti, and somehow after all that I was in the BEST shape of my life!  I wanted to shout it from the rooftops for all to hear because I knew if I could do that...ANYONE could!  

And that's where YOU come in!!
This month I am offering a discount on the program that started it all for me: Focus T25!  AND, as a little bonus, when you get set up with your T25 Challenge pack, not only will you get the entire program and a 30 day supply of Shakeology to start you off, I will also send you the 21 Day Fix portion control containers for FREE!

I want to teach you all I've learned about fitness and nutrition, and meal prep and portion control play a BIG part in how quickly you achieve the results you want!  With the portion control containers you'll be able to do just that...reach your goals!  And I will help you every step of the way to learn how and live a healthy, BALANCED life.  Because, let's be real, food is GOOD!  I'm a stress/emotional eater, so I know that #thestruggleisreal I don't ever want to feel deprived and if I want a cookie or a glass of wine...I'm gonna have it!  Everything in moderation, and I'll show you that even with those treats you can be healthy and feel great {NOT hangry!}

So what will you get?
  • the entire Focus T25 10 week program on DVD
  • 21 Day Fix portion control containers and meal guide FREE!
  • weekly meal plans with recipes and shopping lists
  • daily support and motivation from me and others in the group
  • truly awesome RESULTS!
And the best part?  You can do this ALL from the comfort of your own home and fit it into YOUR schedule!  It's just 25 minutes a day!  You can do this!

As well, during the group I'll be raffling off TWO T25 Gamma programs!  A little extra incentive to commit to your daily routine, push play and reach your goals!  Gamma is a bonus 4 week program that you can do after you've finished T25 to really up your game and continue going strong!

This program, the community of the groups I was part of that held me accountable daily and the simple nutrition from 21 Day Fix is what has got me to where I am today.  I have found something that actually WORKS for me, long term, and I know that it can work for you too!  I can't wait to combine these aspects of my favorite programs and do this right along side you! 

Are you ready to COMMIT?  To dig deep, push yourself and get your own before and after pictures that will have you feeling GREAT this summer?  Fill out the form below and I'll get back to you within 24 hours to answer your questions and get you set up!  The group starts May 16th and to keep it more personal and fun I'll only be opening up 15 spots so reserve yours ASAP!

Can't wait to meet you and have you be my next inspiring transformation story!