Monday, July 11, 2016

What is a Challenge Group?

Challenge group, accountability group, support group...I'm sure you've seen these terms being thrown around your social media lately right?  But what does it really mean?  What IS a challenge group and why is it such an important part of your success?

A "challenge group" is the term many of us coaches use to describe our main purpose...a place where we can truly help someone take their health goals and turn them into a reality!  It's a place where, on Facebook or through our brand new smartphone app, we help our customers go from purchasing a program to really seeing what they can do to change their lifestyle and make the program they bought work for them!

You see, as a coach I do so much more than just sell you a product.  I sell you a LIFESTYLE and then give you the tools and help you need every step of the way to reach your goals.  A challenge group is where it all begins!  Instead of just helping you with fitness or just getting you started with Shakeology, I give you what I like to call the trifecta!  

Fitness + Simple Nutrition + Daily Support = SUCCESS

Fitness: I'll help to find you a program that will work for YOU.  We'll talk about your schedule, your goals, your likes/dislikes, what's worked for you in the past and what hasn't and then I'll recommend a program I think would fit YOU perfectly!

Nutrition: Then I'll set you up with your daily Shakeology.  A 100% natural, nutrient dense meal replacement shake that will give you one quick, easy, healthy meal a day.  Short on time?  No problem!  Have a sweet tooth?  Let me help you curb that!  As well, if you need even more help on the nutrition end there are programs I can match you with that will give you even more support and guidance.

Support:  This is the key!  It's the extra step that you won't get from your local gym, DVD or YouTube workouts.  It's that DAILY accountability to keep going.  It's seeing other women, just as busy as you, showing up every day to change their lives, motivating and inspiring you.  It's the weekly meal plans and nutrition check ins to ensure you're staying on track.  It's the fitness, nutrition and overall life tips that will help you make a change that will stick in the long run.  

You see, I'm proof that this works!  I had crash dieted, I had tried working out on my own after having my son, but for some reason it never stuck.  It wasn't until I joined a challenge group, until I got that daily motivation, that I was pushed to keep going.  If I didn't check in for a few days, my coach would reach out to me and see how I was doing.  If I didn't post my sweaty selfie or share my meals for the day, the women in the group would call me out to make sure I was still on track.  I was tired, I was busy, I had excuses...but so did everyone else and they were showing up!!  So I did too! 

So are you having a hard time making the healthy changes you want and know you need to make?

I've been there, I can relate, and I know that with the trifecta you can see the results you want and reach your goals!  I love these groups so much, believe in them so deeply, that I signed up to coach so that I could help others the way my coach helped me.  I have been doing these groups for two years, I have seen it completely change a person's life and I would love to do that for YOU too! 

It truly is a lifestyle change, done one day at a time, with an amazing, supportive community behind you every step of the way!

Ready to commit to your health?  Want more info and to reserve a spot in my next challenge group?  Fill out an application HERE and we'll talk to find you your perfect challenge pack (a workout program and Shakeology together at a discounted rate!!) and get you going!  Can't wait to talk to you!