Friday, March 31, 2017

Why I'm Doing Whole30

I've been on my health journey for a long time, but it wasn't until after having my son that I really committed to not only working out regularly, but cleaning up my nutrition too.  I'm one of those weird people that really ENJOYS working out, so although it was hard for me at first to get into a good routine with it...once I did I was hooked.

Nutrition on the other hand has been a very different story.  I've spent a lot of time getting to the point where I live a pretty consistent 80/20 when it comes to food.  80% of the time I eat super clean, 20% of the time I let myself indulge...a glass of wine, pizza, Mexican food...the not-so-healthy foods I love in moderation.

That being said, after the past couple years of being consistently healthy, there are a few things I've started noticing.  Things that, after a lot of research, I think the foods I am eating (or the foods I should stop eating) could help to remedy.

Why am I doing the Whole30?

I have a few reasons for wanting to do the Whole30, but the BIGGEST reason is I struggle with chronic fatigue.  I get my energy boosts throughout the day from my coffee, meals and Shakeology, but I don't have consistent energy throughout the day and tend to fade off and feel lazy in the afternoons.  I want constant energy so that I'm more productive in my day, can be more present and energetic with my family and so that I stop feeling tired...period!

As well, my skin has always been an issue.  I break out easily and my skin gets very dry no matter what products/masks I use (even though I stay VERY hydrated throughout my day).

Lastly, bloating!  This isn't a regular for me, but I've noticed after certain meals I tend to bloat a lot more than others and it's just an ICK feeling.

SO...I'm doing Whole30 to not only help remedy those issues, but figure out what exactly is causing those issues so that I can lead my healthiest life and make my body function at it's peak all the time!

So what is this Whole30 thing?

I'm not going to go into detail about what the program is (I definitely recommend reading the book yourself if you're interested in doing your own Whole30) but I want to give you the gist of what it is I'll be doing.

The intention of the Whole30 is to reset your body and mind when it comes to food.  There are so many processed foods, added sugars, grains and other ingredients out there that our bodies just don't need, and that don't satisfy our bodies.  One example I LOVE from the book...think prime rib vs. Oreos.  When you are eating prime rib, with every bite you are more and more full and you want prime rib less and less.  Why?  Because your body is taking the nutrients from the prime rib and using them as needed, signaling to our brains that we've had enough.  Oreos don't have the nutrients your body needs though, so you can eat an entire carton and although your stomach may be full, your body will still be craving MORE because it never got the nutrients it needed.

SO...during the Whole30 you cut out the foods your body doesn't need so that you are feeding it only with foods that will make you HEALTHIER with each bite!

What will I be eating?

If you're anything like me you are looking at the list of "NO" foods first and maybe panicking a little.  I love my wine, and no cheese?  Not to mention no bread of any kind or sugar...  AH!  How will I survive?

This has to be the biggest thing I was nervous about before committing to the Whole30.  I'm a carbaholic and I don't really like my veggies (Shakeo to the rescue on that one!!) But if I want to make a change, I have to be willing to MAKE A CHANGE, so instead I started focusing on the "YES" list!  There is SO much there, with no limitations on portions but instead the guideline of "eat until you're satisfied".  And the best part, because I'll be eating whole, natural foods my body will get full faster because my brain will signal I've got the nutrients I need!

Here's my meal plan for the first few days to give you an idea:

Day One:

Breakfast: 2 eggs over medium, sweet potato and pepper hash, 2 pieces chicken sausage and blackberries

Lunch: Mexican Chicken Boats with veggies and avocado/mayo dip

Dinner: Spaghetti squash with ground beef and tomato sauce

Day Two:

Breakfast: Leftover spaghetti squash and ground beef with 2 eggs

Lunch: Mexican Chicken Boats with blackberries and strawberries

Dinner: Perfect Salmon with broccoli, mushrooms and yellow squash in a red pepper sauce

I definitely won't be going hungry, I plan to drink my Shakeology for a mid-morning snack and I even picked up some Whole30 approved Larabars for a snack in case I'm hungry in between my big meals!  

(***A side-note on Shakeology: I know that this is NOT a part of the plan and means I am not doing Whole30 to a T.  That being said, I feel very strongly about drinking this every day so I will not be giving it up, but instead will be switching to Vegan while doing Whole30.  That's all I'm gonna say about that!)

What am I nervous about?

I want to keep it real, because I'm betting you may have some of the same concerns I did when I first considered doing Whole30.  Not only did the veggies thing (or more, the NO CARB thing) make me nervous...I had some other hesitations too.
  • I don't like to cook.  My husband is the cook in our family and the idea of spending time in the kitchen with ME cooking makes me a little scared!
  • It'll be too time consuming.  I have a toddler and I work from am I going to fit cooking all these meals into my day?
  • Restrictions make me think even MORE about food...I'll have too strong of cravings and end up splurging/failing.
Sound familiar?  Or maybe you have a list of hesitations I haven't even thought of yet.  This brings me to my final point...

What do I hope to accomplish?
  • More energy
  • Better skin
  • No more bloating
  • Easier time falling asleep at night
  • New favorite recipes and ingredients I wouldn't have tried otherwise
  • Learn to enjoy (and maybe even get good at) cooking
  • Have a better relationship with more rewarding myself with sugar and wine!
  • Help my family be even healthier!!!

It's 30 days, and then as I slowly add things I truly do love and want back in to my eating routine (wine, pasta and cheese for example) I can really pinpoint what foods are causing the negative effects so that I know, 100%, how my body functions BEST!

Any questions about what I'm doing feel free to email me at, hop on over to Facebook or check out #whole30shana on IG and follow along these next 30 days!  Can't wait!


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

5 Ways to Afford Shakeology

Before I dive in to ways you can make Shakeology fit within your budget I have to say a few things.

First, it all boils down to priorities.  If you really want to make your health a priority you will.  And if you struggle with how to do that (or struggle with veggies like I do) then you'll find a way to make this simple change that will lead to BIG improvements in your health.  I remember thinking I had NO money before I had my son...and then he came along and we found ways to afford diapers, clothes, toys and (because of my mastitis and having to stop breastfeeding) the $500+ a month we had to spend on special formula for him.

Second, I TRULY believe Shakeology is the cheapest way to drastically change your health.  I'm not going to go into all the ingredients, the superfoods or the statistics.  Here's what I have personally found that have been the biggest game changers for me: 

* I have more energy

* I'm more regular (TMI??)

* I broke past my weight loss plateau

* I am getting the nutrients and vitamins I need every day (that were lacking because I don't love my veggies and could live off carbs, cheese and wine)

* I am able to make a quick and easy meal that I KNOW is 100% natural and healthy when I'm busy and on the go.  

I couldn't have done these things without either Shakeology, or spending WAY more than $5/day trying to choke down meals I wouldn't have enjoyed half as much as my shake! want to try it but (like me when I first heard the price) can't quite figure out how to afford it?  Here's some solutions for you!

1. Eating Out

Whether you're eating out at a restaurant once a week, or hitting up the drive-thru on the way home from a busy day...those meals add up!  A "healthier" option from a dine-in restaurant will run you anywhere from $9-20 depending on the place (not including drinks and a tip) and the drive-thru is almost as expensive from the "value menu" at almost $6 for a burger, fries and drink.  For ONE person!  

Instead, swap these meals for your daily Shakeology!  Cheaper at under $5/meal, just as filling, won't leave you feeling sluggish AND just as quick and mess-free!

2. Starbucks & the like

Do you love coffee?  Yep, so do I!  BUT...I quickly realized I was spending about $4+/day on my coffee addiction (and let's be honest, more when the pumpkin spice and gingerbread lattes were in season!)  At 5 days a week, that's almost $100/month right there that I was spending on coffee without thinking twice!  Those little purchases sure do sneak up on you!

Not only that, I was getting NO nutritional value from my coffee, consuming WAY more calories (and chemicals) than I should be and was still hungry afterward!

Now, for less than $5/day, I'm swapping out my Starbuck's for Cafe Latte Shakeology.  Filling, nutrient packed, HEALTHY and (yay for mix-ins like extracts, spices and pumpkin) just as good tasting if not better than my old favorite drinks.

3.  Pampering

Don't get me wrong, my new obsession is pampering myself with a manicure/pedicure every month (and thankfully I'm able to afford to do that with the extra money I earn through coaching*) BUT...that adds up!  Those little pampering trips aren't cheap, and the money can be used elsewhere.  Manicures run from $20-30 depending on the type and pedicures from $25+, not including tip!  Or maybe your thing is facials, massages, getting your hair done or splurging on a new purse, concert tickets or clothes.

What I found...I like to do these things and buy those things because it makes me feel good!  Know what else makes me feel good?  Comfortably fitting into my clothes, not having to try on everything in my closet to find something I feel good in, and having the energy and health to enjoy my life to the fullest every day!  

4.  Adjust your grocery budget

This was probably the biggest eye opener for me.  I was spending A LOT at the grocery store.  We'd make our weekly trips, but then during the week we'd decide on something new for dinner and make stops for little things here and there (stops that added up).  Plus, on top of that, I was snacking...a lot.  Chips, crackers, cookies, pretzels, Skinny-Cow's...the "good" foods I was eating weren't filling me up so I was filling the cart with all kinds of snack foods that were easy to grab when a craving hit.

Now, my grocery budget is significantly lower than it was before.  My husband and I both replace an entire meal EVERY DAY with Shakeology, so our lunches are completely covered and we don't need to buy those meals anymore AT Shakeology helps to curb our sweet/salty cravings so instead of stocking up on foods we don't need that weren't adding any nutritional value to our day, we grab some fruit & veggies to snack on (WAY cheaper than the processed foods) and are set for the week!  

Also, we were much more conscious of ways we could save at the store too!  We shopped the sales, froze meats, breads and other ingredients that we could buy in bulk when on sale and started really planning out our weeks to ensure we were not only being BUDGET friendly, but BODY friendly!

5.  Gym Memberships

Last but not least...gym memberships!  If you go to the gym on a daily basis and are getting the results you want...GREAT!  I'm glad you've found something that works well for you!'s much more likely that you've got a gym membership and go 2-3 times a week and still aren't where you want to be health-wise.

I used to be a gym-junkie.  I LOVED the gym and would spend an hour + using the cardio machines and weights or taking classes.  Then I had my son and didn't have the time, motivation or childcare to make the gym a routine that would work for me.  

As you can see above, there are MANY reasons to forgo a gym and try the full challenge pack to get the four puzzle pieces of, nutrition, Shakeology and support.  That's not what I'm here to talk about though.  (If you want to talk more about challenge packs, contact me HERE)

What I want to talk about here is how you're probably spending a good $30+ on a gym membership every month that isn't getting you where you want to be.  Plus the time you're spending and the gas money to get you there.  Will quitting the gym cover your Shakeology costs completely?  Nope.  But it WILL free up some extra money (not to mention time) and make that daily meal cost go down...and THAT will help you fit it into your budget!

So there you have it, and these are just SOME of the ways you can make your health a priority and have the money for Shakeology each month.  Like I said at the start of this rant...I believe 100% that this is the CHEAPEST way to get your body what it needs and more each and every day.  I've drank it, as has my husband, for over two years and even my son (currently three) drinks a 1/2 a scoop daily!  It has changed my life and my relationship with food, completely.  

WHY Shakeology???  I was a skeptic and did a lot of research before I started drinking it, so if you have questions please reach out!  Here are just some of the benefits of Shakeology and what makes it different from others products on the market:

So the question is...are you willing to make your health a PRIORITY?  If so, I can't wait to talk to you about your goals and how Shakeology and I as your coach can help you reach them!  

Email me at 
find me on Facebook at 

Can't wait to talk to you!
