Saturday, June 18, 2016

Sneak Peek Into Coaching LIVE Event

Good morning!  This coming Monday I'll be hosting a 1-Day Sneak Peek into Coaching event followed by a LIVE What is Coaching Q&A call at 6 PM PST.  In this closed group and invite-only call, I'll be sharing what being a Team Beachbody Coach is all about!  I get asked all the time how I make money, if this is a pyramid scheme and more and I get it!!  I had a lot of the same questions when I was first considering if coaching was the right fit for me.  Coaching is definitely not a "traditional" job...but then again I didn't want a traditional job right!?

When I started coaching I have to admit, even though I did my research I was still a little skeptical.  BUT...I desperately wanted to stay home with my son.  I had been doing the programs so I knew they worked, I knew that I was more accountable in the monthly challenge groups {and would be even MORE accountable to my goals by putting it out there to the social media world that I was a health and fitness coach!} and that if I wanted to stay home I had to find a way to help our family financially.  We were off of borrowed money from my parents to make ends meet.  After an emergency c-section and hospital stay for severe mastitis, the medical bills were drowning us...not to mention the expensive special formula my son had to be on.  The idea of spending $140-160 to sign up to coach, and possibly fail, was overwhelming.  But I also knew something had to change, and that this could be exactly what we needed if I was willing to put my head down and do it.  So I took out my well-used Visa, charged my challenge pack and the rest is history!

I have been able to cover my costs since month one and I can honestly say I LOVE what I do!  Helping people, creating my own schedule, creating financial freedom for my family, staying home with my son, getting into the best shape of my life and being surrounded by amazing women who love and support me are just some of the perks!  Don't get me wrong, it has taken time, consistency, hard work and dedication to be successful, but you'll need those things in anything you do in your life if you plan to do it well...why not give those things to something that can truly change your life?

After almost 2 years being a coach I've realized what an awesome blessing this has been for me and my family, and how much it has truly changed who I am and my entire life for the better.  This might not be for everyone, and I know that, but I feel I would be doing a huge disservice if I didn't share this opportunity with everyone I meet.  If my coach hadn't share this with me I wouldn't be where I am today, and I want to make sure YOU have the chance to check it out and decide for yourself too!

SO...I decided to try something totally new this month!  I'm an information collector...I like to have ALL the details before making a decision.  Well, here it is!  I'm going to walk you through my entire Sneak Peek right here so you can go at your own pace and take it all in!  You can email me {} with any questions you have at all, and if this sounds like something you would like to do just fill out the application at the end so we can chat more about the opportunity for you!

Let's get started!  This is the very first assignment in this series...1 of 6!

#1 - Welcome: What is Coaching and who am I?

I want to say thank you for taking the time to learn more about what we do as coaches, and the opportunity that is here for the taking!!  You are here because someone thought you would ROCK at this, which is pretty great!  So let's see if this is the right fit for YOU!

We are looking for motivated, self-driven, inspiring people to add to our team and our ultimate goal is to teach YOU how to duplicate the success that we have seen, and quicker than we have seen it!  We know the ropes, and love seeing others succeed at not only their health, but financial and personal goals as well!  As you'll see from the video, as a Team Goal Crushers coach we all work together and are truly a "fit fam"!

Okay, first things first...let me BUST some myths for you. A lot of people hear network marketing” and immediately want to run away! Here are some of the top concerns people have…and hopefully reasons to make you feel more comfortable about joining us!!

Myth 1 – You have to be a salesperson.
No! We aren’t salespeople – we are just people who love to live fit and are willing to help others by offering suggestions and support. You will not learn sales training on our team, but rather, you'll learn how to have conversations with people about their health and how to invite them to challenge groups, or to try products that might HELP them. You'll share your own success story, get healthy along the way, and inspire others. This opportunity is all about being YOU and being RAW.

Myth 2 – You need a lot of time.
No! The issue is not lack of time, it is lack of focus. We are committed to teaching you how to get the most out of the time you have with our training programs and tracking systems. If this business becomes a priority for you, you will find time. You'll schedule Beachbody into your day, just like other appointments. You can carve out 30 minutes in the morning and an hour at night.  You don’t need 9 to 5 to work this business. It is not that kind of a job. CONSISTENCY is KEY and counts more than lots of extra hours!

Myth 3 – You have a garage full of inventory & invest a ton of money.
No! Thankfully, Beachbody provides us our own websites for customers to purchase products. It is so simple. They handle all the inventory, all the payments, all the shipping. Done. Your only inventory is your own workouts and your own shakes. You only pay for your own products, and you get 25% off your own purchases as well. There are no sales requirements, no only costs $40 to join (or free with the purchase of a challenge pack) and $16 a month to continue coaching. THAT'S IT!

Myth 4 – You are joining a pyramid scheme.
No! First and foremost, pyramid scheme businesses are illegal and Team Beachbody was created under new federal guidelines for network marketing businesses and is a recognized leader in the industry with an A+ rating from the BBB. No one is on top but YOU. You are the CEO of your own business. You earn money based on your own work, your own product sales, your own customers, and based on how you help others on the team succeed. You only truly earn money when you HELP others. There is no incentive to just enroll people into the business and kick back and collect a paycheck! That at is a pyramid. As put so wonderfully at our big coaching event; this is a multi-level HELPING company.

You will get in the best shape of your life-physically, emotionally, and mentally. You will meet an incredible group of people who will become your familyThis opportunity could change YOUR LIFE! It could give you the opportunity to work from home, take family trips, quit your full-time job, pay off debt, get in the best shape of your life and be surrounded by some of the most amazing awesome does that sound?

Watch this quick video...then move on to #2!

#2: What I DO as a coach and how I find the TIME!

So… you might be curious. What do coaches actually DO every day?

Many of our new coaches carve out ONE POWER HOUR per day to really learn the business and WORK. This is about the same amount of time you commit to your own fitness every you’ll commit the same amount of time to your business. This is a starting point. You can divide this up with 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night, it doesn't have to be a full hour at once. However, in order to add ANYTHING to your plate, it means having to take a little off to make time for it.  We all have 24 hours in a day...time to learn how to use those to your advantage!  ;)  It might take cutting back on television, running fewer errands and limiting your time scrolling around on Facebook...but this business will move your life ahead and be worth it!!

We don’t want you to run around busy and frazzled though. We will teach you to be productive. In our trainings as a new coach, you’ll learn how to use a power hour check-list to keep your time focused. As you grow your business, you’ll want to do more and cross more things off that list and as you grow a team you have more responsibility to take on. Don’t worry, it’s all workable and in your daily power hour. You won’t START doing all of these things of course! You’ll build up to it, according to your own goals, and every step of the way we're here to help you figure it out!

Check out the video for a glimpse into my day as a coach, and how I make time for this business, then move on to video #3.

#3 - Running a Business on Social media

I wanted to talk with you about social media and how to use it to create a successful business!

Think of your Facebook page, or your Instagram as a source of reaching people and sharing your story with the masses!!  There’s no better way to spread the word about what you’re doing than to use social media because EVERYONE is on social media in some way or another.  So basically you’re sharing your story, posting daily on social media, inviting people to do this WITH you, and in return inspiring people and earning money!  How cool is that?!?

One of the main hesitations I had when signing up to coach was that I was simply a Facebook “stalker” (as I like to call it).  I hardly ever posted anything other than pics of my kiddo or our travels, but I checked my news feed all the time!  I didn't have any kind of background in using Facebook to grow a following and business. 

How did I do it? CONSISTENCY! I took the trainings that we are lucky to have from our upline team, trainings you will be a part of when you join the team, and I implemented what I learned every day! Posting daily on social media, networking through Facebook groups, allowing myself to be a little vulnerable, and sharing me and my story has allowed me to meet new people, connect with them and help them in their fitness and nutrition journeys!  I personally INVITE people to do this alongside me!! If I can do it with just over 200 friends when I started, you can too!!

As well, I took the 3-Vital Behaviors that Beachbody focuses on and I made sure to check them off my to-do list every day!

1. BE A PRODUCT OF THE PRODUCT! This basically means for you to become a healthier version of YOU! You need to lead a healthy lifestyle by eating well and exercising on a regular basis. Yes we love the Beachbody programs (who doesn’t) but we also love OTHER types of exercise as well. Becoming a coach doesn’t mean you have to be a walking billboard for Beachbody—it just means being a HEALTHIER version of you.

2. INVITE! Invite others to become healthier with you whether it be through one on one help from you, challenge groups you run, or by also becoming a Beachbody coach. Your goal is to find out how YOU can help others become happier & healthier versions of themselves....and that's the most rewarding part!!

3. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT - Better yourself through reading and listening to audios that help you become more confident and focused on YOUR goals.

Pretty simple right? Are these things that you could do daily? Are they things that you are already doing daily? Then coaching might be a perfect fit for you!! Most coaches have been able to grow extremely successful businesses with only "working" 1 hour per day. It’s all about focusing on the above three vital behaviors, CONSISTENTLY, every day and sharing your journey through social media!  I know they seem easy -- and they are! Over time, these 3 things will grow your business like crazy! From day to day they might not seem like much, but just like fitness and weight loss when you are consistent and dedicated you see results!

#4 - What products we love and WHY

I LOVE this funny and insightful video from P90X creator and celebrity trainer, Tony Horton. He shares the value of drinking Shakeology, a health food shake. Then read below about WHY we endorse Shakeology. This business is not about a shake, it’s about a way of life. But this 100% natural, multivitamin, nutrient dense meal replacement shake is an important tool we use and the missing link most people are looking for. It’s an essential part of our business and our life!

SHAKEOLOGY 101: It's your daily dose of dense nutrition. It's the world's healthiest, super-food packed protein shake. We drink it (me, my hubby and even my kiddo) DAILY. We love it. We need it.

And here's why….

**Proteins, Vitamins, and Minerals – to help reduce hunger and food cravings.
**Antioxidants and Phytonutrients – to help detoxify and protect the body against free radical damage.
**Adaptogen Herbs – to help increase energy and combat stress.
**Prebiotics, Probiotics, Fiber, and Digestive Enzymes – to aid digestion and promote regularity.

** junk
**soy, gluten, caffeine, artificial colors or flavors

**Lose weight – especially if you replace a meal with Shakeology every day as intended.
**Reduce junk food cravings – drink it in the morning to enjoy this benefit throughout the day
**Increase your energy and feel healthier.
**Improve your digestion and regularity.

And seriously, I’ve been drinking Shakeology religiously since September 2014 and it’s the most essential and non-negotiable part of my day. My body KNOWS when it hasn’t had it and it feels it too.

And of course, as well as Shakeology, you can't beat our at home workout programs!  People KNOW these programs, and for good reason.  They WORK!  21 Day Fix, Insanity, P90X, Turbo Fire and more...and we come out with new programs every year too!  As YOU get healthier and share that with others, you'll be able to help them do the same through challenge packs {workout programs and Shakeology together at a discounted rate} and groups you'll add them to for daily support!  AND...bonus, you'll get paid to do it!

#5 - How you earn $$$

Let’s get down to what I'm sure a lot of you are wondering do you make money as a coach?

My goal for YOU is to make sure you never have to pay for your Shakeology again! How do you do that? By helping 3 people every single month...that's less than 1 person a week and your own costs are completely covered!

You earn 25% commission off of every sale and you get a 25% discount on everything you purchase too {including your monthly Shakeology!}

Beachbody has a super easy way to track your progress! Success club (SC)! If you hit SC 5 or more each month, you've covered your costs and are able to earn some fun, free prizes from Beachbody too! (Think tank tops, water bottles, fitness programs, etc) You earn SC points in three ways:

1 point = Shakeology HD (a monthly auto-ship of our favorite shake!)
2 points = a challenge pack (Shakeology and a fitness program together...the best deal for your customer!)
2 points = signing up a new coach on your team with a challenge pack (the best, cheapest way to get your business started!)

So helping just THREE people a month, you'll hit SC 5 or more and your own Shakeology and coaching costs are completely covered!

In addition, as you grow your team and advance in rank you get some additional $$$ perks! For example, the first rank you will reach is Emerald; (which is my 2nd GOAL for you in your first month as a coach!!)  That means you have signed up two coaches under you! When you hit this rank, you start earning team cycle bonuses for the volume your team produces on top of your weekly commissions! AND...once you're Emerald rank or higher and hit SC 5 or more each month, you will start getting FREE customers from Beachbody! This has been a great way to reach more people and expand my network!

As we've said a few times already, you'll get out what you put into this! If you're doing your daily to-do's and reaching out to people with the intention of truly helping them, you can make sure your costs are covered completely from day one and grow this into a $1,000/week or more business in just one year! Some of the coaches on our team have grown this into a 6 figure business within just TWO years!! I know it seems crazy and so out of reach, but I'm here to tell you it's not! And I can't think of any other business where you have the opportunity to grow so quickly into what can be a completely life changing income for your family all from home!

#6 - Joining our team!

You’ve seen a glimpse of what we do as coaches. How, as a team, we are able to genuinely help SO many people {including ourselves}, grow to be the best versions of ourselves and do it while working together.   There is no "perfect coach"...ANYONE can do this!  Whether you're JUST starting your journey, you're in the middle of your journey or you already have your before and CAN and you WILL inspire so many people as a coach!  Some of you have already expressed interest in joining the team, and in fact several already have!  Yay!!! We are SO excited for you!!

We have built successful businesses, in the midst of busy schedules, tight budgets & little ones running around AND our team is growing every day because we are a huge family who helps support, motivate and encourage each other!!  Not to toot our own horns, but OUR TEAM is truly AMAZING!

So what’s next??

1. Fill out the application below about signing up!  You can start for $40, or you can start with a Challenge Pack and get some great, highly discounted Beachbody products, including a month of Shakeology, in your starter kit and get that $40 fee WAIVED!

2. Your ongoing cost as a coach is $16 per month for your websites and about $100 for your own monthly Shakeology (this is optional, but recommended if you are going to be sharing it with others, you want to use it yourself)  And remember, helping just THREE people a month will completely cover these costs!!  ;)

3. We have a FREE 14- Day New Coach Bootcamp each month where you'll learn how to be successful and get all the tools you need to do just that!

As soon as you get signed up, you will receive an email welcoming you to our team from me AND you will schedule a 1 on 1 phone call with me to talk about your goals and vision for your business! I'm here to best support you on this venture...and am SO excited to do so!!  

I LOVE what I do and know that anyone who is driven, motivated, passionate and willing to learn can take this business from zero to whatever you want it to be!  I love to mentor my new coaches, help them learn how to become leaders themselves and work with them as business partners in this fun and rewarding career!  I am passionate about what I do as a coach, and I would love to have a like-minded go-getter like YOU on my team!  Every month I start a New Coach Bootcamp where I'll teach you the ropes and get you started right.  

Don't miss the next one!  Join me now!

Are you in?!  If not, share this with someone you think would make a great coach!

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