Sunday, October 9, 2016

Are you Skinny Jeans ready?

You know what I've realized?  I am AWFUL about blogging.  Writing isn't exactly my passion, so my little space here gets put on the back burner pretty frequently.  (Hence me not writing a post since AUGUST!!!) know what IS my passion?  Helping people feel CONFIDENT in their skin!

People like my friend Jen here, who in just 21 days far exceeded what her own personal goal was and fit back into her super cute pink shorts!!

Pictures like this, and the messages that come with them, inspire me to keep doing what I'm doing...and also spark a little creativity for me too because guess what's coming up...FALL!

If you love Fall as much as I do you also love all the treats (pumpkin!) and festivities that come along with it...and with those festivities comes skinny jeans and cute sweaters.  Except a lot of the time, before I was a coach, this was the time of year I would pull out my skinnies only to realize I had a bit of extra fluff around the top...that awful "muffin top"...and immediately ran to the closet to find some baggy sweaters to cover it up.

Can you relate?

If your jeans are too tight or you're running to your closet to find a baggy sweater, let me help you before we get too far into the holiday season!!  Trust me, I've been there plenty of times!!

It's time to say goodbye to that extra spare tire and bring on the confidence to ROCK ANY OUTFIT THAT YOU WANT THIS FALL SEASON!

I've got a group kicking off SOON, and I want to help you get results like I helped my friend Jen and countless others with over the last two years.

What you'll get:

* Prizes for participation

* Fun Fall recipes

* A customized workout program (most under 30 minutes/day!)

* Weekly meal plans and shopping lists

* TONS of support and encouragement every day


I've got just a few spots left in my upcoming group and I want YOU to snag one!  Because you deserve to spend time on YOU, because you deserve to feel comfortable and CONFIDENT in your skin and because you need to take time for YOU so you have something to give to all those people you'll be taking care of over the holiday season!!

Are you ready?  Want to reserve your spot and get more info?  Click HERE to fill out my challenge group application and I'll reach out to you ASAP with the details!  I can't wait to help you!


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