Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Beachbody OnDemand Annual All-Access Pass!

Looking for an alternative (or maybe something better!) than a gym membership come 2017?

We're just a couple weeks out from the New Year and I know most people plan “New Year’s Resolutions”.  So often they include health and fitness goals and I don't know about you, but for me in past years I have written down my “weight loss” resolutions only to find myself in the exact same place come Summer.  Over the past two years, I’ve learned that it’s not just about losing weight (although that is a lovely perk), but I’ve learned how to fuel my body and incorporate quick, effective workouts into my daily routine, and it has literally changed my life!  

AND, lucky for you, now you have the chance to access ALL the programs I love for an entire YEAR with the new Annual All Access Beachbody On Demand challenge pack!

Last year Beachbody launched Beachbody OnDemand.  Think of it like Netflix for workout programs!  For a monthly fee you were able to stream any workout program you purchased, plus many additional programs (think P90X, Insanity and Turbo Fire), as well as preview newer programs like 21 Day Fix, 22 Minute Hard Corps, Country Heat and Core De Force all from your smartphone, laptop or TV!

In addition to the amazing workouts, you also got access to the workout calendars and nutrition guides to these programs so you could get the results you were looking for, as well as access to added goodies like FIXATE, a cooking show geared towards the popular 21 Day Fix portion control system!

And the BEST part of it all, you could do these workouts from ANYWHERE!

Travel for work?  Love going to the gym but not sure what to do when you get there?  Beautiful day and want to take your workout outside?  With Beachbody OnDemand you can take your workouts with you wherever you go, do them whenever you can fit them into your schedule and have access to everything you need 24/7.

Sounds amazing right!?  And it is!  BUT, now there's something EVEN BETTER!

Starting next week, December 27th, you can purchase an entire YEAR membership to Beachbody OnDemand, and when you do you get a lot of added perks!!

With the Beachbody OnDemand Annual All Access challenge pack you will get:

* 24/7 access to ALL the workout programs Beachbody has to offer in full (including the new programs like Core De Force, 21 Day Fix Extreme and Country Heat!)

* Immediate access to any new program that will be released in 2017 (and there's some pretty exciting things coming down the pipeline!)

* 30 days of Shakeology to replace one meal a day

* all the nutrition guides and calendars that come with the programs including meal plans and recipes

All for an entire YEAR!

PLUS, in addition to everything above, you'll get the support of ME as your 24/7 "personal trainer" throughout the year and be added to a community of people who are all pushing towards the same goal of living a healthier lifestyle and motivating one another along the way!

SO...are you thinking of getting a gym membership come 2017?  Instead, why not try something different that will give you SO much more? 

This challenge pack will be available December 27th for a special deal for the entire YEAR, plus the 30 days of Shakeology to replace one meal a day with, meal plans, a supportive community and me as your 24/7 personal coach!  

And all for just $199!

If you're interested and want to join in on my upcoming challenge group, contact me HERE , reserve your spot in my next challenge group HERE or find me on Facebook HERE and shoot me over a message!  I can't wait to hear from you and help you kick off 2017 strong and have the healthiest year of your life!  

Monday, November 14, 2016

My 3 Day Refresh Experience

I just got done with the 3-Day Refresh and I thought what better way to share it with you than to tell you my experience openly and honestly here on my blog!  This is the second time I've completed this cleanse, and I will say that the second time was slightly easier because I knew what to expect and was more prepared.  That being said, change isn't easy (especially when you've gotten off track or have been off track for a while with your nutrition) so this is definitely a program you need to be ready for and ready to commit to!

What is the 3-Day Refresh?

The 3-Day Refresh is a 3 day cleanse.  Unlike juice and liquid fasts that are often high in sugar and low in protein, the Refresh gives you 3 days of full nutrition to help detox your body while still giving you the nutrients your body needs to stay full, maintain your energy and support your metabolism to keep you from going into "starvation mode".

For 3-days your meal plan will look like this:

Breakfast - a superfood-packed Shakeology shake with a fruit option (I mix my fruit in with my Shakeology)

Mid-morning - a Fiber Sweep digestive health drink to help gently clear out your system

Lunch - a satisfying, high-protein Vanilla Fresh shake for lunch, + 1 serving of fresh fruit + 1 serving of vegetables + 1 healthy fat option

Snack - 1 serving of vegetables + 1 healthy fat option

Dinner - another Vanilla Fresh shake along with your choice from a list of delicious, easy-to-prepare dinner recipes. 

As well, throughout the program you can also have tea twice a day and as much filtered water as you like.  (I suggest using your Shakeology cup and drinking at least 3 a day, 75 ounces.)

Why Refresh?

There are a lot of different reasons you may want to do the 3-Day Refresh.  For ME; I had gotten off track with my nutrition (I'm an emotional eater and have had a rough couple months struggling with my depression), I wanted to feel better overall and I wanted to kick-start my journey with a brand new workout program I will be starting today!  There are plenty of reasons though:

* Ate too much over the weekend, during the holidays or on vacation and want to get yourself back on track

* Looking to lose that last little bit of weight that you can't seem to get rid of

* You've never had a healthy diet and want to start eating clean but need a jump start

* You want to quickly drop a few pounds for an event

* You want more energy

Whatever your reason, the 3-Day Refresh is a healthy way to detox your body and kick start your nutrition while still eating food and getting results that will last beyond the 3 days!

My 3 Day Experience:

I want to start by saying that I LOVE food.  I could live off carbs alone, so to go without for 3 days is tough for me.  I also am strongly against "dieting".  I believe in fueling your body with the right foods in the proper portions and always advocate the 80/20 rule.  80% of the time I eat clean, 20% of the time I let myself have the indulgences I crave.  This keeps me from OVER indulging and allows me to stay healthy while still enjoying the foods (and drinks!) I love.  Life is all about balance and I want to create a lifestyle I can stick with long term...and that means pasta and wine sometimes!

The 3-Day Refresh is great because it's not a "diet".  It's a meal plan, it's only 3 days and it gives your body everything it needs to cleanse in a healthy way so that after the 3 days, when you add back in carbs and solid proteins, you will continue to get results and not yo-yo back to where you were at before.  Yes, you still need to eat clean after those 3 days, but you can do so 80/20 style!  I truly believe it's the perfect kick start and helps you to curb a lot of those cravings so that after the 3 days it's easier for you to stay on track!

Day 1:

Day 1 always seems to be the hardest for me.  The carb cravings are fierce!  My tips for making it easier: a few days leading up to the Refresh try to eat as healthy as possible so you don't have crazy cravings (aka don't have a giant Mexican food feast right before starting), drink plenty of water and make sure to follow the time table for the program so you space out your meals and are never hungry (or hangry)!

Breakfast - Cafe latte Shakeology with water, ice and 1/2 a banana (gotta have that coffee flavor in the morning somehow right!?)

Snack - Fiber Sweep and about an hour later some berries

Lunch - Vanilla Fresh shake, 1 red pepper sliced and 2 Tbsp hummus (I was hiking this day so packed it in a cooler to go!)

Snack - spinach salad with 2 Tbsp avocado, Himalayan salt and some lemon juice

Dinner - Vanilla Fresh shake (on the way to the movies) and a spinach, pepper, tomato salad when I got home (not pictured)

Day 2:

Day 2 is generally easier for me.  I'm not thinking about carbs as much and my body is getting used to the veggies (I am NOT a veggie person, so yes, it takes some getting used to).  I've also learned from Day 1...when was I getting a little hungry and how can I better space out my meals.  This is different for everyone, so listen to your body!

Breakfast - Cafe latte Shakeology with water, ice and 1/2 a banana

Snack - Fiber sweep drink, 1/2 a green apple, 1/2 a large carrot and 2 Tbsp hummus

Lunch - Vanilla Fresh Shake (not pictured)

Snack - 2 stalks celery and 2 Tbsp hummus

Dinner - Vanilla Fresh shake and 1 1/2 cups veggies (broccoli, carrots and cauliflower for me) steamed with coconut oil and Himalayan salt

Day 3:

The final day!  This day is pretty easy for me as, at this point, I'm used to the routine.  I always start feeling more clear and lighter, both body and mind, now too.  This is the day I meal plan for my week ahead.  I chose to do the cleanse on a Friday-Sunday because I have more control over my schedule on the weekends which allows me to keep busy (so I don't constantly think about food) and also plan my meals/meal times better, and it also allows me to kick off my Monday right with my new, clean-eating meal plan feeling refreshed and ready to go!  I grocery shop, prep for the week and go to bed knowing that my week ahead will keep my on track and these 3 days have helped me prepare for it!

Breakfast - Cafe latte Shakeology with water, ice and 1/2 a banana

Snack - Fiber sweep

Lunch - Vanilla Fresh shake, 1/2 a large carrot, 2 Tbsp hummus and 3/4 cup raspberries

Snack - 2 stalks celery and 2 Tbsp hummus (ate on the way to grocery shopping so I'm not hungry while I shop!)

Dinner - Vanilla fresh shake and a balsamic cucumber/tomato salad

Exercise & the 3-Day Refresh:

I am asked a lot, is it okay to exercise while doing this cleanse?  The answer, YES!  Should you be running 5 miles or doing 30 minutes of hardcore cardio or weights during the program?  I wouldn't recommend it.  Your body is getting less calories while on the Refresh so doing anything too strenuous may cause you to get overly fatigued.  BUT, staying active while on the Refresh is helpful and beneficial to your overall health!  On day 1, I went on a hike for a few hours and felt great.  Throughout the program I also did 30 minutes of yoga each day.  Through Beachbody OnDemand there is a new program called the 3-Week Yoga Retreat and there are three 10 minute workouts there that I stuck to each day:  

* Take 10 AM routine
* Take 10 Abs routine midday
* Take 10 PM routine

There are 21 full days of 30 minute or less yoga routines that you can check out OnDemand too (for more info about Beachbody OnDemand contact me HERE and I'll help set you up with a FREE 30 day trial):

The results:

This will vary for EVERYONE depending on where you're at in your health journey.  This go-around I did the Refresh hand-in-hand with one of my challengers who lost 7 pounds in the 3 days.  For me, at this point in my journey, it was about getting myself back on track with my nutrition and gaining some mental clarity!  With that in mind, I still lost 3 pounds total and 3 inches overall, and with only moderate exercise during the weekend too!

One of my dear friends and fellow coaches Shannon (below) did the Refresh shortly before my as well and lost 6 pounds total, 1/2 inch on her waist alone and felt less bloated, more mentally clear and energized!

Ready to Refresh?

So whether you need a kick start to cleaner nutrition, want to slim down before a holiday party or just want to feel better overall, the 3 Day Refresh is definitely for you!  These last 3 days were great for me, and just what I needed!  I feel more energized, clear, lighter (mind and body) and have far less cravings.  AND, in just a few short weeks, I'll be kicking off my next group so you can get support as you work through the Refresh too!  There are plenty of options to help get you started towards the results you want:

* 3-Day Refresh Challenge pack (It includes the entire 3-Day Refresh kit, 30 of your meals covered for an entire month in the form of Shakeology so you can continue boosting your nutrition, curbing your cravings and eating clean, and a 30 day membership to Beachbody OnDemand where you can access your yoga and thousands of other workouts!)

* Kick-start Challenge Pack (This is what I recommend most because it gives you everything you need: nutrition + fitness + support = RESULTS!  This includes the complete 3-Day Refresh kit, 30 of your meals covered by Shakeology, 30 days access to Beachbody OnDemand AND an entire custom workout program for you that you can do from the comfort of your home)

* 3-Day Refresh alone (This would include the 3-Day Refresh kit and nothing else.  It's a good start, but I definitely recommend continuing with your Shakeology and workouts if you want to continue to get long lasting results and make a healthy lifestyle change)

So yes, it's the holidays and YES, I'm sure you're busy, but don't put yourself on the back burner.  There will never be a "perfect" time when you have no plans, no obligations and an "extra" 30 minutes in your day.  You have to MAKE the time to focus on your nutrition, your fitness and your overall health and I would love to help you with the step-by-step process that has worked so well for me, and a little 3-Day Refresh kickstart to boot!  

If not now, when?

Let's end 2016 strong together, NOT gain the 5-10 pounds most of us do during the holiday months and feel healthy, happy and confident going in to 2017 instead of waiting to make those New Years Resolutions and starting the year feeling ick!  You're worth it, and trust me when I say...if I can do this, YOU can too!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Core De Force is HERE!!!

Today marks the day I've been looking forward to for MONTHS!  The brand new workout program Core De Force launches TODAY and I cannot wait to not only help YOU through the program, but do it myself!

See...there are 61 days left in 2016.  I've been hearing a lot lately about how people want to wait until the New Year to get started on their health journey, and every time I hear that I think...WHY!?  This program is 30 days, my test group kicks off on November 14th, and that means you have time to COMPLETELY CHANGE YOUR LIFE before 2017!!!

Sound a little dramatic?  CHANGING your LIFE?  It's not!  This program, this group, it's more than just finding a way to fit exercise into your daily routine.  It's more than just eating clean and working out for 30-45 minutes a day.  It's about taking baby steps every day, finding what works for YOU and creating a healthy LIFESTYLE that will last far beyond these next couple of months!

What is the program all about?

Core De Force is your 30-day countdown to a knockout body in 25-45 minutes a day. Created by Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews, it’s the ultimate mixed martial arts-inspired workout that will knock out the belly fat, help slash inches off your waist, and carve total-body definition—no equipment required.  Core De Force is packed with the best of MMA-inspired training. In 3-minute “rounds” you’ll get Boxing, Kickboxing, and Muay Thai knee-elbow combinations, bodyweight training, and cardio spikes—all designed to help you lose the belly and shred body fat. Just hit it hard for 3 minutes at a time and before you know it, you’ll be done!

Who is this program for?

EVERYONE!  Seriously!  Whether you're a beginner just getting started, intermediate to advanced exercisers looking to kick it up a notch and improve your endurance, speed and strength this is for you!  You'll get results FAST if you follow the workout calendar and meal guide, you'll be able to do the workout anywhere since it requires NO EQUIPMENT, you'll have FUN feeling like you're kicking booty every workout and (for those mama's like me always looking to tone your post-baby belly) you'll be able to tone up your midsection with "rotational" moves that target your core 360 degrees without a single crunch!

What you'll get with the Core De Force challenge pack:

* 8 total body workouts  (4 MMA-inspired workouts, each with a step-by-step breakdown of all the moves, 2 bodyweight resistance workouts, 1 Relief workout and 1 Active Recovery stretch workout)

* Bonus 5 minute core workout

* Bonus Core Kinetics workout

* Eating plan and workout calendar

* 7 color coded portion control containers

* Shaker cup

* 30 of your meals covered with your daily Shakeology

So the only question is...are you READY?

I'm getting people set up starting November 1st for my test group kicking off November 14th and I'm limiting it to 10 PEOPLE!  It’s not about depriving yourself of all the holiday treats, it’s not about being perfect…it’s about surviving these holiday months feeling confident, happy and healthy in a group of likeminded, supportive women! Let me teach you what has worked so well for me, while still enjoying the wine and foods I love!

Email me HERE or connect with me on Facebook HERE  or fill out an application for the group HERE and I'll reserve you a spot!  Can't wait to talk to you!


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Are you Skinny Jeans ready?

You know what I've realized?  I am AWFUL about blogging.  Writing isn't exactly my passion, so my little space here gets put on the back burner pretty frequently.  (Hence me not writing a post since AUGUST!!!)  BUT...you know what IS my passion?  Helping people feel CONFIDENT in their skin!

People like my friend Jen here, who in just 21 days far exceeded what her own personal goal was and fit back into her super cute pink shorts!!

Pictures like this, and the messages that come with them, inspire me to keep doing what I'm doing...and also spark a little creativity for me too because guess what's coming up...FALL!

If you love Fall as much as I do you also love all the treats (pumpkin!) and festivities that come along with it...and with those festivities comes skinny jeans and cute sweaters.  Except a lot of the time, before I was a coach, this was the time of year I would pull out my skinnies only to realize I had a bit of extra fluff around the top...that awful "muffin top"...and immediately ran to the closet to find some baggy sweaters to cover it up.

Can you relate?

If your jeans are too tight or you're running to your closet to find a baggy sweater, let me help you before we get too far into the holiday season!!  Trust me, I've been there plenty of times!!

It's time to say goodbye to that extra spare tire and bring on the confidence to ROCK ANY OUTFIT THAT YOU WANT THIS FALL SEASON!

I've got a group kicking off SOON, and I want to help you get results like I helped my friend Jen and countless others with over the last two years.

What you'll get:

* Prizes for participation

* Fun Fall recipes

* A customized workout program (most under 30 minutes/day!)

* Weekly meal plans and shopping lists

* TONS of support and encouragement every day


I've got just a few spots left in my upcoming group and I want YOU to snag one!  Because you deserve to spend time on YOU, because you deserve to feel comfortable and CONFIDENT in your skin and because you need to take time for YOU so you have something to give to all those people you'll be taking care of over the holiday season!!

Are you ready?  Want to reserve your spot and get more info?  Click HERE to fill out my challenge group application and I'll reach out to you ASAP with the details!  I can't wait to help you!


Monday, August 15, 2016

The FIXATE Cooking Show is Coming!!

Do you love cooking shows?
Do you want tips to eat healthier while still enjoying foods you love?
Are you looking for new recipes to add to your weekly meal plan?
Do you love 21 Day Fix or have you been wanting to try it?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, THIS is the show for YOU!

This Friday is the release of a brand new cooking show on Beachbody OnDemand: FIXATE!

Autumn Calabrese, the creator of 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme, is partnering up with her chef brother Bobby Calabrese to bring you weekly episodes where they'll provide perfectly portioned, absolutely delicious AND healthy recipes!

These recipes fit ALL types of lifestyles and dietary requirements from paleo to gluten-free to kid-friendly so people can lose weight without counting calories, tracking ingredients or depriving themselves of the foods they love. Each episode has fun facts about the recipe ingredients and nutrition and, as a bonus for all of you who love 21 Day Fix, a detailed container equivalent!

To kick off, there will be 4 foundation shows that show you how to meal prep, use the containers and stock a healthy pantry.  Then, every week a new 4-7 minute episode will show you a new recipe, how to make it, share the nutritional value of the recipe and even include a PDF printout so you can make your grocery shopping and cooking easy!

I am NOT a cook, nor do I enjoy spending a lot of time in the kitchen, but after purchasing Autumn's Fixate Cookbook last year I realized cooking healthy could be easy AND good and it didn't have to be stressful!!  I can't wait to check out the new show this Friday to add even more simple recipes to my weekly rotation!

Never heard of the Fixate Cookbook?  In it Autumn shares 101 recipes; breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, desserts and even drinks to fit all lifestyles!  You can purchase the cookbook by clicking HERE.

So how do you watch the show?

Simple!  All you have to do is have a Beachbody OnDemand membership!  With the membership you'll have access to the show each week as well as over 1,100 workout programs you can do from the comfort of your living room all through your laptop, phone or Apple TV!

You can get a FREE 30 day trial to Beachbody OnDemand HERE 


You can fill out the form below to be included in my next fitness and nutrition challenge group where you'll get weekly meal plans, daily support, 30 days of Shakeology to really kick your health up a notch and either 90 days access to Beachbody OnDemand OR the entire 21 Day Fix program and 30 days of Beachbody OnDemand...plus ME as your one-on-one coach to reach your goals!

I'm so excited for this new show and know it's going to be just what my family needs to mix up meal time!  I would love to have you watching alongside me and help you reach your goals in the process!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The 20's: Beachbody OnDemand's Reality Series!

I have a confession...I LOVE reality TV.  I rarely have time to sit down and watch it, but shows like The Bachelorette and The Biggest Loser get me hooked real quick!

That's why last week when I was in Nashville at the annual coach Summit, I was SO EXCITED when they announced The 20's!

Bachelor in Paradise meets Biggest Loser meets My Diet is Better Than Yours

SO good!!!

The 20's is a weekly series kicking off August 8th on Beachbody OnDemand where a group of  20-something trainers are put into a house to compete for the title of Beachbody's next Super Trainer!  

What's a Super Trainer?  Think Tony Horton (P90X), Shaun T (Insanity), Chalene Johnson (Turbo Fire) and Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix)!  

You'll get to watch them live, work, and compete side-by-side to see if they have what it takes to create their very own program for Beachbody!  And from the preview...it definitely looks like there will be some drama!!

During the show, these trainers will create and star in two 20-minute workouts that will be accessible by YOU to try out!  You'll get to put the workouts to the test and see who YOU love and want an entire program from!

And the most exciting part...

YOU get to vote for the winner!

I've kinda been a closet reality fan for a while, the person who would never admit it but stream it on Hulu when no one was watching.  Well...time for me to start participating in some of those viewing parties and I would love some company!!

For a limited time, you can get access to The 20's through Beachbody OnDemand on your phone, tablet or smart TV.  PLUS, in addition to being able to watch the show, you'll have access to over 1,100 workouts, entry into my upcoming fitness challenge for daily support (and show gossip!) AND you'll get a 30 day supply of Shakeology to replace one meal a day with.  

Fitness + nutrition + support + entertainment & fun = RESULTS!

You in?  The show kicks off Monday, August 8th and I can't wait to see who the next Beachbody Super Trainer will be...and get to know them a little better while watching their journey unfold!  Would love to have you join me and make your healthy lifestyle more fun than ever!  Just fill out the application below and I'll get you set up ASAP.

Who will be the next Beachbody Super Trainer???  I can't wait to find out!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Country Heat is HERE!

I just spent the weekend in Nashville...the HUB for all things country, and the PERFECT place to launch and fall in love with the newest Beachbody workout...COUNTRY HEAT!

Do you:
* LOVE country music
* LOVE to dance
* dislike working out
* need to keep your workouts fun to stay motivated

If so, this is the program for YOU!

On August 15th I'll be walking people through this program start to finish.  Daily support and accountability, weekly meal plans to make your nutrition simple and the fun of a group of women all working towards the same goal: getting FIT and having FUN while doing it!

So what's the program all about?

Country Heat features some of the TOP country music out there today, and puts dance moves to it to help you lose weight and tone up!  There is NO choreography,  just follow along with the steps for 30 minutes or less!  This low impact program is designed for people of all shapes, sizes, fitness and dance levels so ANYONE can do it and get the results they're looking for!

What do you get?

You'll get 5 high-energy, high-fun workouts and 1 Dance Conditioning workout that will give you all the calorie-burning benefits of a great cardio workout while using every muscle in your body to fire up your metabolism.

In addition...remember me talking about what 21 Day Fix is all about??  Remember those pretty, colorful, portion control containers that help you dial in your nutrition and learn what and how much to eat each day while eating foods your LOVE and not dieting?  You get those along with a new nutrition guide with new recipes with Country Heat too!

PLUS, you'll get 30 days access to Beachbody OnDemand where you'll be able to stream your Country Heat workout (and many others!) for a full 30 days!

And last but definitely not least, you'll get a 30 day supply of Shakeology to replace one meal a day with.

What makes it work?

First off, it's FUN!!  It's a program you'll actually enjoy doing and want to stick with!

Second, there are no complicated moves.  There's no equipment or weights needed...just YOU!  If I can do it (with my two left feet!) so can you!

Third, the nutrition.  Autumn Calabrese created this amazing system that has truly changed MY life, and it's so simple that anyone can do it and still enjoy food, not be starving and learn how to not only feed but FUEL your body!

So are you ready to grab your friends and get dancing?  Trust me, I thought that this program wasn't for me AT ALL, but after being in Nashville and trying it out I'm excited to get started in a few weeks and would love to have you join us!

It's SO easy for me to get stuck in a rut with my cardio...I'm sure you can relate.  That's why I can't wait to mix it up with this program and get dancing!!  

If you want to reserve your spot in my upcoming group, fill out the form below and I'll get in touch with you ASAP!  Can't wait!